GGv0.28 ~ check the deck

howdy, folks. couple of new things in this here update.

check the deck

when you’re putting your team together in the team select screen, one of the most important aspects of the decision is whose cards you want to be in the deck yer bringin’ to the battle.

well, now, you actually get to see that deck. colors represent the job that’s contributin’ them. mouse over a card, and you’ll see its description text in a tooltip.

clearer cards

some of these here cards have had descriptions that raised a few more questions than they answered. “give a varmint Sturdy”… is that fer the battle, or fer the combat round? make up yer mind, dagnabbit!!

fixed em up some.

turnin’ tail

running from battle was all kinds o’ janked up. now it works as intended. specifically (thanks @mechanizedbush):

  • yer little varmints jump up and skidaddle
  • don’t have to go through a combat round first
  • varmints that went into combat winded, stay winded afterwards even if they ran

smooth sailin’

hoverin’ over cards increases their size to make ’em easier to read, but on many systems that animation was a little, er, well it was janky.

not any more, pardner. now it’s smooth as butter.

bug squashin’

specifically, you shouldn’t be able to have beaten “4 out of 3 scenarios…” (thanks @KingOfCharge)

thanks fer readin’, friends, and thanks fer playin’.


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