big things incoming...

big things…

a little over a month ago, when i put a pause on weekly updates to implement a major overhaul of this game and its loop, i laid out this rough description:

  • battle (this is the current game)
    • preparation – draw 4 cards, play 2
    • combat – observe autobattle
  • regroup (team management)
    • select a unit to promote
      • Fire Emblem-style class system with iterative class upgrades
      • each class has cards associated with it, these comprise your deck
    • rearrange team (!!)

well. that is pretty much exactly how that shtuff went down:

card phase

class promotion phase

rearranging team (!!)

when when when

this ain’t one of those hop up, drop a screenshot or two and bounce away forever type deals. i’ll be shipping this new version of the game soon. like, this wednesday soon. the game works and is playable from start to finish right this very moment as i type this!

before sharing with you, though, i need to rebalance the game for the new style of play. and in the future i need to add new classes, enemy types, run-over-run progression, and more. which leads me to…

future plans

i’m a neophyte but i feel that this game has some potential. the gameplay changes have expanded the range and variety of content the game can support. it’s exactly the kind of game i’d want to play and get better at, which i feel is a great sign. to be blunt, i’d like to try and sell this when it’s done. and that’s somewhat in conflict with the goal of pushing weekly updates.

BUT! i believe i’ve come up with a good solution here. this page will become a demo for the full version of the game. in the future, i’ll be improving the visuals, the UX, altering the gameplay, etc. i’ll continue shipping the improvements to the game as a whole on a roughly weekly basis, while keeping most of the new content (enemies, classes, cards, “special” mechanics, etc) for the full release. the demo version here will remain at roughly the same scope and length as the original game, meaning ~10–15 minutes for a successful run.

full game beta testers plz

that said, if you’re reading this update, you’re one of about 10 people who follow this game, which means i would love to have your help as a beta tester. if you’re willing to help beta test this game (the full version), please let me know! you can find me:

if you’ve made it this far then thanks for reading and supporting! i can’t wait to share this with you!

other news

in other news: i won a game jam! i made Approaching Zero with RiptideRealms and we took home the grand price ($0.00) at minijam 123: web!! rr and i are going to keep working on it (we’ve already added a bunch of content that hasn’t been released yet) – you should expect to start seeing devlogs over there as well soon if you’re

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