GGv0.17 - more jobs - more mechanics

didn’t make my self-imposed wednesday deadline on this one but i think it’s worth it for the enemy rebalance.


a lot of competitors for the biggest change this time around, but let’s start with the Grit system. all player varmints have 2 Grit at the start of the game (or on recruitment). after participating in a battle, win or lose, their Grit goes down by one and they lose a heart. when their Grit is empty, they can still be sent into battle but they will have the Winded ability, which takes them out of commission pretty quickly.

two new jobs

i don’t want to give too much away about these new career opportunities – one of them in particular has a very unique look and effects to match. but i will just say that i’ve come to realize that healing is a very important element of the late game in GG, and that has previously created nearly a requirement that the player get an Herbalist at some point if they wanted to have a hope of beating the game. both of these new jobs are capable of healing (and are quite good at it) – so this should provide a couple of alternative strategies for a full 10-win run.

support crew

the last update introduced the reserves, and this one introduces another place to put yer little varmints: the support crew.

the support crew sits behind the main party and doesn’t participate in combat. instead, they provide support in the form of additional card draw and card plays. additionally, they’ll jump in to replace your defeated main posse varmints (but they’ll only do this after yer team wins their combat round… if you lose a combat you still gotta retreat, even if there are still varmints in your support crew!)

in the late game its absolutely critical to have a fully-stocked support crew, so that you can get your main posse online with lots of card draws and card plays quickly, before getting overwhelmed by powerful enemies.

enemy variety

more or less since inception, this game has featured six enemies total: grunts, knights, and stilters (yep, the weird flamingo peeps are “stilters”) – and the boss forms of each. now, there’s a total of, um, 16, i think? 20? there’s a lot!

i haven’t updated enemy art much yet besides some palette swaps, but their mechanics are now modified by the same abilities yer varmints have been usin’ to run roughshod over them. some of ‘em have Archer, some have Quickdraw, some even have Winded (that’s actually good for them since they never survive more than one combat anyway). so look out, that’s all i’m sayin’.

all right, changelog time.


  • support team – you can add varmints here after your team is full. these units contribute to scaling properties like card draw and card plays, and they also will fill in for defeated posse-mates after each combat.
  • two new jobs – REDACTED and REDACTED. (grab a saguaro and a gunslinger if you’re lookin’ for ’em.)
  • rebalanced the entire game with more unit variety
  • varmints now have 2 “Grit” which decrements after every battle they participate in and that refreshes after sitting out one battle. this allows you use a varmint in two consecutive battles before they get Winded.
  • simple rules tooltips when hovering over non-obvious UX elements (e.g. Grit hearts, or team/reserves/support labels)
  • classes now have a second color, to help differentiate them from each other and also to indicate meaningful relationships/synergies.



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